Oberlin Alumni Referral Do you know a high schooler who would make a great Oberlin student? Provide the student's contact info below, and we will reach out to the student with information about Oberlin and a special invitation to join our mailing list. Loading...Student InformationStudent First Name *Student Last Name *Student Email Address *Your InformationFirst Name *Last Name *Device Type 1 - EmailEmail AddressEvening PhoneMobile PhonePrimary PhoneEmail Address *Oberlin Class Year *Would you like to participate in volunteer opportunities to help recruit other Oberlin students? *YesNoHow Can We Contact You?Device Type 2 - Mobile PhoneEmail AddressPrimary PhoneMobile PhoneEvening PhoneMobile PhoneDevice Type 3 - Home PhoneEmail AddressPrimary PhoneMobile PhoneEvening PhoneHome PhoneAddress of Residence: *Address of Residence: *CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeVolunteer PreferencesOur greatest need is for alumni volunteers willing to help with admissions interviews. Opportunities for participation in other activities will be limited based on geographic location. To learn more, visit the Alumni Recruiting Network website.Recruiting Activities (Please select all volunteer activities you'd like to do) *Recruiting Activities (Please select all volunteer activities you'd like to do) *In-Person InterviewsSkype InterviewsCollege FairsPreviews (Off-campus Information Sessions)Admit PartiesApproximately how many interviews are you willing to do this year?Approximately how many interviews are you willing to do this year?1-23-56-10As many as possibleSubmit